17 August, 2022
N6 Galway City Ring Road
Project overview
IAC were appointed to undertake all aspects of the pre-planning archaeological impact assessment for the proposed N6 Galway City Ring Road (GDRR). The strategic project comprises 17.5km of new orbital road circumnavigating Galway City to the north, crossing the River Corrib. Our involvement in this dynamic process included initial contribution to the Screening Report and Route Options Assessment.
We subsequently undertook a range of archaeological investigations to inform the Archaeology, Architecture and Cultural Heritage Chapter of the EIAR, including walkover survey, research, geophysical survey, test trenching, and underwater survey. Extensive consultations were carried out at this time with the statutory authorities and the design team. IAC provided expert witness advice at the oral hearing in 2020, following which An Bord Pleanála granted permission for the project in 2021.