1 February, 2023
Appointment: IAI Scoping Excercise
IAC are happy to announce that we have been appointed to work on the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) Scoping exercise on the creation of professional standards and guidance for archaeological practice in Ireland.
Our successful bid builds on the significant experience we have in this area, following on from our recent review of standards and guidance documents for the Historic Environment Division in Northern Ireland, and audit of Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) Professional Codes of Conduct and other guidance documents to ensure applicability to professional archaeological work in Northern Ireland. Our team, led by Dr John Ó Néill, acknowledge the importance of this project for the IAI as a key step in delivering the Core Objectives of Archaeology 2025, and the further development of the IAI and its role as a professional body in the regulation and conduct of archaeology. We look forward to working together towards this goal.