Meet the team
Rob Lynch
Managing Director
Rob established IAC Archaeology in 1998 and as Managing Director he oversees all aspects of the company, including strategy, growth and business development. Rob is a Member Chartered Institute for Archaeologists and the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland and formerly held the position of Chair on the IAI Board of Directors.
Rob has a proven track record in the management of largescale and complex projects. His approach is focussed on developing pragmatic solutions that that provide value for money for Clients while delivering projects to the highest archaeological standards.
Rob is a licence eligible archaeologist with over 25 years’ experience working in commercial archaeology in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain and Slovakia.
He has extensive experience managing large-scale high-profile planning, fieldwork, and post-excavation projects. Major infrastructural projects he has managed include M3 Clonee-Kells, M9-M10 Knocktopher-Powerstown, M1 Drogheda Bypass, M1 Dundalk Bypass and N6 Kilbeggan-Athlone, High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) in the UK and the R2 Ruskovce-Pravotice and the D1 Jánovce-Jablonov motorway projects in Slovakia
Conor Gormley
As a Director of IAC Conor overseas all aspects of company interests, and liaises with clients on large-scale projects to ensure a competitive and professional service.
Conor holds a Diploma in Business Management and a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management from TCD.
Conor has over 20 years’ experience in Project Management in the Construction and Services Industry in both Ireland and internationally. In his role as Director Conor has overall responsibility for the day to day running of the company and for the development and implementation of cost efficient and effective internal processes. Conor has particular strengths in coordinating and overseeing the management, organisation, execution and delivery of large and medium scale projects. Most recently Conor has taken a lead role in the management & delivery of our projects in the UK, in particular our work on High Speed Rail (HS2) project.
In partnership with our senior archaeological staff, Conor manages the delivery of projects within the agreed time and budgetary constraints and to the high professional standard that has been the hallmark of IAC since our establishment. He has been heavily involved in the strategic development of the company in Ireland and the UK and has helped drive the company’s expansion into Europe with the establishment of our sister company Archeologická Agentúra, in Slovakia.
Tim Coughlan
Associate Director
Tim is a Senior Project Manager responsible for complex large-scale fieldwork projects across all sectors.
Tim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and Classics from UCD and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Enterprise Development from TCD. He is a licence-eligible archaeologist since 1995 and is currently one of the leading project managers in the country, with extensive experience in excavation and the management of archaeological projects in all sectors. Tim is a qualified Occupational First Aider, holds the CIF ‘Managing Safely in Construction’ certificate and is IACs Health and Safety Coordinator.
Tim is responsible for liaising with clients, engineers, main contractors and design teams, and landowners, and managing and programming all onsite works for staff, and the works of all subcontractors. He has particular strengths in the management, organisation, execution and delivery of large and medium scale excavation and post-excavation projects. Major infrastructural projects have been successfully brought to completion under Tim’s management, such as N2 Carrickmacross Bypass, N6 Kilbeggan-Athlone, M9/N10 Phase 4 Knocktopher to Powerstown, M11 Enniscorthy Bypass, and the N25 New Ross Bypass. These projects involved significant bodies of work, with extensive test trenching, resolution of hundreds of archaeological sites, and management of large teams of archaeologists (over c. 300 people). Tim has significant experience in the management of excavation and survey of wetland contexts; including the Irish Archaeological Wetland Unit, the Lisheen Mine Project, and the Bord na Mona bogland. He has excavated extensively in medieval urban Dublin and published articles in monographs and journals and has given lectures to the Friends of Medieval Dublin Society on the results of these significant excavations.
Faith Bailey
Associate Director
As Senior Archaeologist and Cultural Heritage Consultant Faith manages the consultancy team in the production and delivery of EIAR input, and archaeological and built heritage assessment reports.
Faith holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Landscape Management (Archaeology and Built Heritage) and a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from the University of Wales, Lampeter. She is a licence-eligible archaeologist and is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.
With over 18 years of experience in her field Faith is one of the most experienced archaeological and cultural heritage consultants currently operating within the sector. She has an in-depth knowledge of the planning systems and heritage legislation within both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland; and has an excellent working relationship with clients and statutory authorities. She specialises in the preparation of archaeological and built heritage chapters for EIAR of large-scale developments and schemes, along with provision of expert witness services at Oral Hearing. Notable projects include the following road schemes: M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy, the N22 Ballyvourney-Macroom, the Galway City Ring Road and Limerick-Foynes; and water projects: Arklow WWTW and the Greater Dublin Drainage Scheme .
From a cultural heritage perspective Faith has been involved in various project types including: the production of archaeological and/or architectural desktop assessments to accompany planning applications or SHD applications; archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage EIAR chapters; archaeological responses to further information requests (incl. geophysical survey and archaeological testing); due diligence reports; assessments for Local Area Plans and Master planning; Management reports; archaeological/ built heritage responses to planning conditions (incl. desktop assessments, geophysical survey, archaeological testing, excavation and monitoring); archaeological and built heritage constraint studies; and the provision of expert witness services at Oral Hearing/ Planning Hearings.
Paul Duffy
Associate Director
Paul is a Senior Project Manager responsible for large-scale urban projects during the construction phase, and directing excavations in Dublin City and County.
Paul holds a Bachelor’s degree in Heritage Studies and is a PhD candidate with Leicester University. He is a full Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland, having also served on the Board of Directors between 2015 and 2017.
Paul has over 17 years’ experience working on archaeological projects throughout, Ireland, the UK, France, and Western Australia. Paul manages assessments and excavations in complex urban settings, working with planning authorities and statutory bodies to secure innovative and proactive solutions to mitigate archaeological impacts. He is also a licence-eligible archaeologist and has directed several significant urban excavations in Dublin City; notably the medieval remains of the Abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr and St Peters Church. Paul is instrumental in conserving archaeological remains as integrated elements of several notable urban developments, such as at Aungier Street and Little Mary Street.
Paul also specialises in disseminating archaeological discoveries to a wide audience via publications, conferences and community engagement. To this end, he has been awarded funding on numerous occasions by the Royal Irish Academy, the Irish Research Council and the Heritage Council and has designed international projects in partnership with UCD and TCD.
Christina O’Regan
Associate Director
Christina is Head of Operations for Northern Ireland and the UK and is responsible for managing projects, such as planning assessments, watching briefs and archaeological excavation.
Christina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology with History from UCC and a Master’s degree in Environmental Archaeology from QUB. She is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland and served on the IAI Board of Directors between 2012 and 2016. She is a former member of the Northern Ireland Historic Monuments Council serving on the Council from 2016-2021.
With over 20 years’ professional experience, Christina has directed licensed excavations within Ireland in a range of sectors to facilitate major infrastructural schemes, housing developments and industrial projects. Since 2019 Christina has been directly involved with the management and delivery of archaeological services on High Speed Rail 2. Her work includes management of excavation teams, delivery of post-excavation programmes and budgetary oversight.
She has been involved in several community-based projects, most notably the Ulster Scots Archaeology Project, a three-year government-funded project which raised awareness of the Ulster Scots history in Northern Ireland and culminated in the publication of a landmark gazetteer of all known archaeological sites from the early 17th century.
Michael Hand
Michael Hand Non-Executive Director
Michael provides business support and guidance to the team at IAC to ensure successful progression of the company.
Michael Hand is one of the country’s most respected Chartered Engineers and Chartered Water & Environmental Managers with over 35 years’ experience working in Irish industry. He has acted as Project Manager and Project Director for large iconic Water, Roads and general Infrastructure projects throughout Ireland. Michael is also a Chartered Director with formal training in Corporate Governance and Company Direction. He hold BE and MBA Degrees and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by TU Dublin in 2014.
Michael acted as Director, Managing Director and Executive Chairman of PH McCarthy Consulting Engineers from 1987 to 2007. His experience in strategic business direction and leading change saw him spearhead the growth of PH McCarthy leading it from a small, single discipline practice to a modern multi-discipline Consulting Engineering business employing 185 staff. Michael led the negotiations which subsequently resulted in the merger of PH McCarthy Consulting Engineers with White Young Green plc in 2007, where he acted as Managing Director – Engineering and was Main Board Statutory Director for WYG Ireland from 2007 to 2010. From 2010 to 2016, Michael acted as Chief Executive Officer of Grangegorman Development Agency, the State Agency responsible for delivery of a €2bn, 40ha Strategic Development Zone to create a new TU Dublin/HSE campus in Dublin 7. He successfully led the Grangegorman Urban Quarter through the planning and early delivery stages and it is widely regarded as a national flagship project. More recently, he worked with JB Barry & Partners and successfully led the €420m Ringsend Wastewater Expansion Project through the statutory planning process. He now acts as a Non-Executive Director with a number of State and private companies.
Maeve Tobin
Associate Director
Maeve is a Senior Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Consultant responsible for the management and production of archaeological assessment reports and EIAR input. She is also our inhouse osteoarchaeologist, undertaking identification, excavation and analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts.
Maeve holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology & Geography and a Master’s degree in Osteoarchaeology from University College Cork. She is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI), the Irish Association of Professional Osteoarchaeologists (IAPO) and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). She serves on the IAI Board of Directors as Membership Secretary and is the current News Editor for Archaeology Ireland.
Since 2007 Maeve has gained extensive experience in the preparation, co-ordination and submission of EIAR and desk-top assessments as part of the planning process. She has contributed to a wide spectrum of projects including large-scale residential, industrial, retail, renewable energy, and infrastructure projects. She has devised, and successfully brought to completion, detailed programmes of archaeological mitigation for planning compliance; following consultation with the National Monuments Service, Office of Public Works, National Museum and Local Authorities. Notable recent projects include the Cherrywood Strategic Development Zone.
Maeve is also an experienced osteoarchaeologist, having analysed and reported on inhumation and cremation burials from over 70 prehistoric and medieval sites. Most recently she was involved with the excavation and analysis of two large urban medieval assemblages associated with the Abbey of St Thomas the Martyr and St. Peter’s Church. She has particular interest in Iron Age and early medieval funerary practices and has disseminated the results of her analyses through publication and presentations.
John O’Neill
Associate Director
John is responsible for project managing large-scale excavation and post-excavation projects in IAC, overseeing all environmental processing, specialist analysis, research and report writing within defined budgets and timeframes.
John holds a Bachelor’s degree (hons) degree and a PhD in Archaeology from Queens University Belfast. He is a Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast and has held roles as a researcher and lecturer in Archaeology in QUB and UCD. John is a former member of the Northern Ireland Historic Monuments Council and is currently on the editorial board of the Ulster Journal of Archaeology.
He has 26 years’ experience in Irish and European archaeology and has extensive experience in the management of excavation and post-excavation projects in the private and public sectors. He is responsible for managing all IAC post-excavation projects in Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. His job entails liaising with clients, engineers, specialists and academics, and programming off-site post-excavation operations and report staff. John has extensive experience in academic and professional publication, as author, editor and project manager, and because of this he also acts as the IAC Publication Manager. John has directed excavations in a diverse range of archaeological environments, notably urban sites, wetland landscape on the Lisheen Mine Archaeological Project and investigations in State Care monuments, such as Carrickfergus Castle. John is currently project managing research and analysis on the significant Drumclay Crannóg excavations (funded by Dept. for Communities) which will be widely published on completion.
Shane Delaney
Associate Director
Shane manages extensive large-scale archaeological projects at testing, excavation and post-excavation stages for pre-planning and compliance phases of development.
Shane holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Archaeology from University College Cork, has CPD qualifications in Safety Management from CIF and Solas, and is SMSTS and SSSTS qualified in the UK. He is a member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.
Shane has over 22 years hands-on experience in all aspects of the archaeological process from research, planning and excavation through to post-excavation strategy, report production (in excess of 100 licensed reports submitted to the licensing authority), lithic analysis, artefact illustration, publication and lecturing. He has extensive and wide-ranging archaeological fieldwork experience which has included managing and directing large-scale multi-period excavations throughout Ireland, the U.K. and Slovakia. Some of the notable projects managed by Shane include the following road schemes: M1 Dundalk Western Bypass, Limerick Tunnel PPP (phase 1), N6 Kilbeggan-Athlone, M18 Gort-Crusheen, N60 Oran realignment and the N4 Collooney-Castlebaldwin. He has authored text for publications produced by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) on many of these projects. He has also directed numerous significant multi-period excavations at Lough Mourne in Co. Donegal, Bishopsland in Dublin, and the substantial medieval cemetery and settlement at Ranelagh, Co. Roscommon in advance of the N61 Coolteige road project. This latter project was brought to award-winning publication in collaboration with TII and Queens University Belfast, and has received wide acclaim in the archaeological community.
Muireann Ní Cheallacháin
Associate Director
Muireann is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in French, Italian and Archaeology from National University Ireland Galway, a Master’s degree in Coastal Management and GIS, and a Higher Diploma in Archaeology from University College Cork. She is proficient in using Trimble GPS, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite and ArcGIS. Muireann is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists Ireland and served on the Board of Directors of the IAI between 2017 and 2021.
Muireann has extensive fieldwork experience on a wide variety of site types, revealing both rural and urban prehistoric and medieval archaeology. She has undertaken test investigations to inform pre-planning impact assessments across a range of sectors, and is involved in construction phase monitoring as post-planning mitigation. She recently directed large-scale excavations in the Dublin and Wicklow region which revealed multi-period settlement and funerary remains. Her excavation at Chancery Street in Dublin City was carried out as part of a ‘top-down construction sequence’; the first of its kind in Ireland. Muireann is proficient in photography, undertaking GPS surveys and in the production of archaeological illustrations and graphics to supplement excavation reports.
Katie O’Mahony
Graphics Manager
Katie manages the graphics department and is responsible for production of high-quality imagery for our excavation reports and publications.
Katie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and History of Art from UCD and a postgraduate degree in Art Gallery and Museum Studies from Manchester University. She is highly proficient in the use of digital software such as AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, ArcGIS, and Trimble Business Centre; and is trained as an artefact illustrator using more traditional pen and ink methods. She recently gained a certificate in Enterprise Development from the Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
With over 22 years’ experience in her field Katie manages the team that fulfil all of IACs graphic requirements, ensuring quality and meeting tight deadlines. A primary part of her work involves processing GPS survey data retrieved on site during excavation and producing clear depictions of our findings to accompany reports. This work varies and may relate to pre-development impact assessments, pre-construction mitigation such as excavation or built heritage recording, and construction-phase monitoring programs. All figures are produced to publication standards, and are subject to rigorous editing. Katie has significant experience working on wetland sites, including the Bord na Móna peatland survey, and she also worked on the Ulster Scots Archaeological Project. As an archaeological illustrator Katie previously worked with UCD and the OPW on remains from high profile sites such as Knowth and Ardfert Cathedral, and spent two years working in Germany with the Institute of Archaeological Monuments.
David McIlreavy
Site Director
David is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
David holds a Bachelor’s degree in History and Social Anthropology, a Master’s degree in Irish History, and a Master’s degree in Archaeology from Queens University Belfast. David is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists Ireland.
With over 18 years’ experience in the commercial archaeology sector David undertakes archaeological monitoring, testing and excavation projects throughout the country to inform, or in compliance of the planning process. He has worked extensively in Ireland and Northern Ireland on a variety of project types and scales. Recent projects include large-scale urban excavations in the Liberties of Dublin and multiple programs of investigation within the Cherrywood Development Zone. David worked as part of the research team for the ‘INSTAR: Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscapes of North Mayo Project’ and the ‘Ulster Scots Archaeological Project’. In 2016 David established the community research group ‘The Medieval Bray Project’ which aims to raise public awareness and engagement of medieval archaeology through excavation and survey. He is a member of several archaeological and historical societies and has published in peer-reviewed journals and lectured at conferences.
Jane Whitaker
Site Director
Jane is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics; with significant expertise in wetland environments.
Jane holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Archaeology from University College Dublin and is a specialist in wetland environments. She is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland and previously served on their Board of Directors.
With over 32 years’ experience in her field Jane has directed licenced archaeological investigations at testing, excavation and monitoring phases, associated with the planning process. Jane’s area of expertise relates to the survey, assessment and recording carried out as part of mitigation programs on Ireland’s peatlands. Her work as part of the Irish Archaeological Wetland Unit involved the excavation of the bog body at Tumbeagh; and she has over 20 years’ experience on a variety of Bord na Móna mitigation projects. As well as presenting many lectures on the archaeology of peatlands at both national and international conferences she has written articles on this work and published two monographs detailing the results of 60 excavations in Bord na Móna Peatlands. Jane recently managed the large-scale excavation of a medieval settlement site in advance of a residential development in North Dublin and carried out monitoring of the construction phase of a substantial data centre.
Marc Piera
Site Director
Marc is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
Marc holds a Bachelor’s degree in History (Archaeology and Prehistory) and a Master’s degree in Prehistory from the Autonomas University of Barcelona.
Marc has gained considerable experience in the excavation and management of archaeological sites across a number of sectors in Ireland. In Spain Marc worked as a Field Director on 70 archaeological sites, ranging from prehistoric to post-medieval periods. Marc has also undertaken archaeological assessments (test trenching) to inform the planning process, and has carried out archaeological monitoring during construction phase of development to achieve planning compliance. He has authored publications and reports on his excavations and research.
Fergal Murtagh
Site Director
Fergal is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
Fergal holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Archaeology from IT Sligo and is a qualified first aider and safety representative. He is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI).
Fergal has gained considerable experience in large-scale archaeological investigations in Ireland and the U.K., including GPS and geophysical survey. He has gained extensive experience on Bord na Móna wetland excavations in the midlands. He has furthered his excavation skillset and honed his ability to successfully manage large crews of archaeologists. He is adept at carrying out GPS survey to map and record archaeological features during excavation, and in non-intrusive geophysical survey to investigate sites in advance of development. Fergal gained considerable experience in large-scale survey and testing programs while working on the High Speed Rail
Ida La Fratta
Site Director
Ida is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
Ida holds a bachelor’s degree in Greek, Roman and Medieval Archaeology from University of Chieti, Italy, a master’s degree in Late Roman and Early Middle Age Archaeology from University of Siena, Italy, and a Phd in Early Middle Age Archaeology from University of Lecce, Italy. She is a licence-eligible archaeologist.
Ida joined IAC in 2023 and has since gained experience in excavation and management of archaeological sites in urban Dublin and rural locations. She also has undertaken test investigations to inform pre-planning impact assessments and is involved in construction phase monitoring as post-planning mitigation.
Prior to moving to Ireland, Ida worked for 16 years in commercial archaeology in Italy as Project Manager. In this role she was responsible for organisation, execution and delivery of large and medium scale excavation, liaising with clients, local and statutory authority, engineers, main contractors, managing and programming all onsite works for staff and the works of all subcontractors. She worked as Senior Archaeological Consultant giving advise to client and deliver technical reporting pre-planning assessment, impact assessment, desk-based assessment through to EIAR chapter and development of mitigation strategies. As Site Director Ida undertook archaeological monitoring, testing and excavation, recording prehistoric to medieval archaeology throughout Italy to inform, or comply with the the planning process. She has worked extensively in Ireland on a variety of project types and scales.
Chris Coffey
Site Director
Chris is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
Chris holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Archaeology from University College Dublin. He is skilled with both ArcGIS and QGIS and can carry out archaeological surveys.
Since joining IAC in 2016 Chris has gained extensive experience in a wide range of archaeological environments. He has worked on multiple large-scale urban excavations in Dublin, revealing significant medieval remains. Notable recent projects include works at Thomas Street, Aungier Street, and in the Cherrywood SDZ. During his time at UCD he worked as a research archaeologist on the Irish Stone Axe Project and as an Archaeological GIS Technician on the ‘Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscapes of North Mayo’ Project.
Barry Lacey
Site Director
Barry is responsible for directing archaeological excavations and investigations, managing teams of archaeologists and site logistics, and liaising with clients to meet deadlines.
Barry holds a Higher Diploma in Archaeology and a Master’s Degree in Archaeological Excavation from University College Cork. Prior to this he gained a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Furniture and Wood Technology from Galway Mayo Institute of Technology. He is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) and was the Historian in Residence for Wexford County Council in 2023 and 2024.
Since joining IAC in 2017 Barry has gained wide-ranging experience across a variety of archaeological environments and sectors. He is adept at all aspects of archaeological excavation, survey and recording undertaken in the field, and has significant experience in archaeological monitoring during construction phase of development. He has also been involved with the post-excavation processing of environmental samples and artefacts prior in preparation for specialist analyses. Barry is currently the Historian in Residence for Wexford County Council involved with the promotion and awareness of the Decade of Centenaries. This involves extensive community engagement and management of events. He recently formed part of the team undertaking the Clone Church excavation which formed part of Ancient Connections, a heritage and arts project linking County Wexford in Ireland with North Pembrokeshire in Wales, specifically Ferns and St. Davids.
Rob Goodbody
Built Heritage Consultant
Rob is responsible for assessing and recording built heritage as part of the planning process.
Rob has a post-graduate diploma in Environmental Planning and a Master’s in Urban Building Conservation from UCD. He has held positions on numerous committees and advisory groups, including the Conservation Advisory Committee in London, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown’s Historic Monuments Advisory Committee, Dublin City Council’s Archaeology Working Group and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown’s Architectural Working Group in preparation of Heritage Plans.
With unparalleled experience, Rob has worked over 30 years in London and Dublin gaining extensive knowledge of our built heritage in the planning process. In IAC Rob prepares detailed built heritage records and impact assessments for a variety of project types and environments. He is adept at architectural assessment and creating records of buildings of all periods, taking proposals from the initial survey and concept stage, through the discussions with the planning authority and conservation officer to planning application. In many of these cases he works closely with the architect at construction phase, providing conservation advice and ensuring that the works are completed to the conservation standards required by the planning authority.
His publications include six books and numerous articles and papers including the third Dublin volume of the Irish Historic Towns Atlas for the Royal Irish Academy. He teaches Georgian building construction on the post-graduate conservation course in TCD and for some years taught a module on the development of the Irish town at Masters level in NUI Maynooth. He is a founding member of the Industrial Heritage Association of Ireland.
Enda Lydon
Surveyor and Drone Pilot
Enda is responsible for undertaking GPS and Drone Surveys, and producing 3D Photogrammetry models.
Enda holds an honours diploma in Ancient History and Archaeology from the University of Lampeter and an SUA Pilot Competency Certificate from the Irish Aviation Authority. Enda is proficient in GPS Survey (Trimble Business Centre), Drone Survey, and Photogrammetry.
Enda has over 16 years’ experience in archaeological excavation and survey. He is responsible for producing survey set-outs to undertake investigations such as geophysical survey, test-trenching and excavation. Enda is our in-house trained pilot for conducting drone surveys, a technique we use increasingly to record our ongoing excavations. Recent projects include the N60 Oran Road Project, the N80 Maidenhead Road Realignment, and many industrial projects in the wider Dublin area. He is also adept at producing 3D models through photogrammetry of in-situ archaeological features such as built heritage and unusual burials. Another facet of Enda’s role includes architectural surveys of medieval and post-medieval vernacular and industrial heritage. Enda also has significant experience in the excavation and recording of wetland archaeology, having spent eight seasons working on the Bord na Móna Peatlands Project.
Jacqui Anderson
Archaeological Consultant
Jacqui is an Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Consultant, responsible for the preparation of EIAR chapters and impact assessment reports for largescale projects across a wide range of sectors.
Jacqui holds a Bachelor’s degree in the Archaeology and Greek and Roman Civilisation and a Master’s degree in Irish Archaeology from UCD. In her time with IAC Jacqui has worked on a wide-range of public and private projects crossing all sectors of development. She is a member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland.
Jacqui joined IAC in 2016 and has gained considerable experience in the collation of baseline research and writing of archaeological impact assessments to support planning applications and Further Information requests. These inform projects ranging from residential developments to energy projects. She previously worked on a range of archaeological excavations along the routes of major infrastructure schemes honing her skill set in the recording and archiving of primary data. As part of this role IAC Jacqui also prepares reports with site directors describing the results of testing and monitoring investigations. Jacqui has been involved with the office-based team working on the High Speed Rail (HS2) project in the U.K.
Taylor Walk
Post-Excavation Manager
Taylor is responsible for managing post-excavation projects; overseeing the post-excavation team who process excavated material, prepare archives for specialist analysis, prepare small finds reports, and accession of material to the Museum.
Taylor holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology from Smith College (USA) and a Master’s degree in Archaeological Excavation from University College Cork.
Taylor manages projects in their post-excavation stage, having developed her skills in both excavation and post-excavation processes. She is proficient in processing archaeologically-derived material, including human remains, artefacts (metal, ceramic and organic), environmental samples, faunal remains, and metallurgical waste. She manages the post-excavation team in our Head Office and assists with post-excavation projects in Northern Ireland. She liases with specialists, prepares final excavation reports, small finds reports, and co-ordinates warehouse logistics. Notably, Taylor oversees the preparation of site archives for deposition with the National Monuments Service and accession of archaeological objects to the National Museum of Ireland. In addition, she has garnered fieldwork experience across the spectrum of investigation, including monitoring, testing and excavation on both commercial and research sites; and has been involved in writing and editing of archaeological reports.
Jennie Coughlan
Jennie is responsible for the excavation and analysis of human skeletal remains retrieved from archaeological contexts.
Jennie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and History from University College Dublin and a Master’s degree in Osteology, Palaeopathology and Funerary Archaeology from the University of Bradford.
With over 26 years’ experience in her field Jennie has a broad range of extensive experience in the excavation, analysis and reporting of human skeletal assemblages from a diverse range of sites and assemblages ranging in date from the Bronze Age through to the post-medieval period. At IAC Jennie is responsible for undertaking analysis of both cremations and inhumations from a variety of projects, within budget and to a deadline. Some of the sites she has worked on have presented unusual osteological challenges, such as the medieval mass grave associated with the 1461 Battle of Towton in the U.K. From this site she gained invaluable experience in the identification of large-scale and catastrophic traumatic injuries to the skeleton in addition to forensic recording techniques. From the post-medieval period Jennie analysed lime-covered burials from the rear of the courthouse in Kilkenny which had unusual levels of soft-tissue preservation. Jennie has been involved in the on-site supervision and analysis of large-scale early medieval and medieval cemeteries in Dublin at Mount Offaly, Cabinteely (MNI c. 1,500 individuals), North King Street (MNI 469 individuals), Butterfield/ Old Orchard (MNI 233 individuals), and Stephen Street (MNI 150 individuals).
Ellen O’Carroll
Palaeo-environmental & Project Environmental Specialist
Ellen analyses wood, pollen and charcoal proxies to investigate long-term vegetation dynamics and human induced landscape change. As well as being a licence-eligible site director Ellen co-ordinates the environmental archaeological aspect of multiple road schemes and development projects..
Ellen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and History from the University College Dublin and a Master’s degree in Methods and Practices in Archaeology from University College Cork. She was awarded a PhD from Trinity College Dublin for her development of new comparative interdisciplinary approaches to the problem of ‘woodland reconstruction’ using pollen, charcoal and wood data. She is a member of Environmental Archaeology Ireland (EAI) and the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA).
Ellen has extensive experience in palaeo-environmental sampling, analysis and reporting from a wide range of archaeological site types. She has co-authored the TII Palaeo-environmental guidelines for retrieval, analysis and reporting of plant macro-remains, wood, charcoal and pollen from archaeological excavations.
Ellen’s skill sets include charcoal, pollen, waterlogged wood and worked wood analysis including report writing. Ellen is also a Project Environmental Specialist overseeing all palaeo-environmental work along TII road schemes and infrastructural projects from sampling guidance through to analyses and publication. Ellen has published widely in multiple archaeological books and Journals.
BA, MA, PhDSiobhán Scully
Artefact Specialist & Senior Post-Excavation Supervisor
Siobhán manages all aspects of IACs treatment of finds during the post-excavation process and is responsible for producing artefact reports.
Siobhán holds multiple Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Archaeology and English from National University Ireland Galway, and in Art History and Creative Writing from the Open University.
With over 22 years’ experience in her field Siobhán has an unparalleled wealth of knowledge in the excavation, recording, analysis and care of archaeological artefacts. This is derived from her analysis of artefacts from over 200 excavations and the accession of over 135,000 objects to the National Museum of Ireland. She is a skilled field archaeologist with wide-ranging experience in a variety of project and site types. Siobhán has extensive experience in producing specialist reports for a wide variety of artefact types including medieval and post-medieval pottery, glass, metal, clay pipes, ceramic building materials, leather, artefacts of skeletal material and stone artefacts. Many of these reports have been published. She is conversant with the current procedures and regulations relating to the handling, registration and deposition of artefacts in relation to both the National Museum of Ireland and the Ulster Museum. Siobhán has worked with archives from many high-profile sites including Skellig Michael, Hill of Tara and Dublin Castle; and she is particularly adept in recording the remains of medieval Dublin.
BA (Hons), BA (Hons), MA (Hons), MA (Hons), MA (Merit), MA (Dist.)Robert (Bob) Burns
Graphics Technician
Robert (Bob) is responsible for the production of high-quality graphics derived from site survey data and imagery retrieved by drone flyovers.
Bob holds a Master’s degree in Archaeological Excavation from UCC and a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and History from University of Colorado. Bob is proficient in the use of survey equipment and software programs such as AutoCAD, Trimble Business Centre, QGIS, and Agisoft Photoscan.
Bob has gained experience in excavation, survey and graphic production from a wide range of projects in Ireland and America. He has produced high quality graphics for excavation reports and planning assessments. Bob has significant experience undertaking surveys and excavating in the high-altitude mountainous terrain in Colorado, USA for the purpose of identification and recording of prehistoric archaeological deposits such as flint scatters. His Irish field experience includes geophysical survey and excavation of medieval settlement sites in Roscommon, Mayo, Cork, and Wicklow.
Deanna Lee
Archaeological Consultant
Deanna is responsible for the preparation of archaeological reports and methodologies for programmes of archaeological monitoring, testing and excavation.
Deanna holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and Geography from NUIG and a Master’s degree in Archaeology from UCD.
Deanna has gained experience in carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource, and in the preparation of investigation methodologies and reports. As part of her role, she consults with the statutory authorities and works directly with our site directors and project managers. Deanna is also involved with the creation and dissemination of archaeological content on our social media platforms and website.
Lucy Bagshaw
Archaeological Consultant
Lucy is an Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Consultant, responsible for the preparation of EIAR chapters and impact assessment reports for a wide range projects across multiple sectors.
Lucy holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology with Professional Experience from the University of Manchester.
Prior to joining IAC in 2024 Lucy gained experience working in the UK and Ireland, carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource. She has experience in the preparation of investigation methodologies and reports as well as proficiencies in marine and terrestrial survey. As part of her current role, she consults with the statutory authorities and works directly with our site directors and project managers.
Johnnie Gallacher
Archaeological Consultant
Johnnie is an Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Consultant, responsible for the preparation of EIAR chapters and impact assessment reports for a wide range projects across multiple sectors.
Johnnie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from Edinburgh University and a Master’s degree in Archaeological Studies from the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Johnnie has gained experience in carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource, and in the preparation of investigation methodologies and reports. As part of his role, he consults with the statutory authorities and works directly with our site directors and project managers.
Elizabeth Di Vincenzo
Archaeological Consultant
Elizabeth is an Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Consultant, responsible for the preparation of EIAR chapters and impact assessment reports for a wide range projects across multiple sectors.
Elizabeth holds an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Ancient History, Archaeology and Italian from Trinity College Dublin and a Master’s degree in The Hellenistic World from The University of Edinburgh.
Elizabeth has gained experience in carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource, and in the preparation of investigation methodologies and reports. As part of her role, she consults with the statutory authorities and works directly with our site directors and project managers. She is adept at archaeological excavation, research, report writing, and GIS mapping, with experience working on a range of projects across the U.K, Italy and Oman.
Josephine Fowler
Archaeological Consultant
Josephine is responsible for the preparation of archaeological reports and methodologies for programmes of archaeological monitoring, testing and excavation.
Josephine holds an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology with a concentration in Archaeology and minor in History from Appalachian State University (USA) and an Honours Master’s degree in Archaeology from University College Dublin. Working with IAC she has gained experience in the collation of baseline data and preparation of archaeological methodologies and reports.
Josephine joined IAC in 2019 as part of our fieldwork team and moved to our consultancy team in 2021. She has four years’ experience in archaeological excavation on a variety of projects in the USA and Ireland. Most notably Josephine was involved with managing the archaeological resource of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. In Ireland she has gained experience on a range of rural sites representing Neolithic habitation, Bronze Age and Early Medieval funerary sites, and medieval and post-medieval urban activity in Dublin City Centre. She has gained experience in carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource, and in the preparation of investigation methodologies and reports. As part of her role, she consults with the statutory authorities and works directly with our site directors.
Jonny Small
Archaeological Consultant & GIS Specialist
Based in our Belfast office, Jonny is involved with the preparation of archaeological impact assessments, excavation reports, and report graphics.
Jonny holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and a Master's degree in Cultural Heritage and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Queen's University Belfast. He has also completed his doctoral studies at Queen's, which focuses on hunting and settlement during the Irish Mesolithic.
Jonny is involved in carrying out paper and field-based research to inform our understanding of the archaeological resource. He is adept at archaeological excavation, research, report writing, GIS mapping (including the ESRI ArcGIS suite and QGIS) and producing graphical outputs. Jonny is working on a range of projects across the U.K. and Ireland, including High Speed Rail (HS2).
Tom Meharg
Archaeological Consultant & Supervisor
Based in our Belfast office, Tom undertakes the preparation of impact assessments and excavation reports, and also carries out research and fieldwork.
Tom holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and a Master’s degree in Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture from University College Dublin.
He is skilled in carrying out of field inspections, archaeological fieldwork and the production of impact assessments and reports. He has experience working in major infrastructural projects in both Ireland and the UK where he has been responsible for the delivery of Logistics and Resource Plans, Health and Safety documentation, and reporting. He has also developed skills in producing impact assessments and industrial heritage surveys and contributes to conservation plans, research, and publications. Major projects that Tom has worked on include the Belfast Transport Hub, Evishagaran Windfarm in Derry, and High Speed 2 Railway in England.
Rebecca Boyd
Senior Research Archaeologist
Rebecca is responsible for research, writing and editing reports, and dissemination of research findings.
Rebecca holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from the University of Bradford and a PhD in Viking Age Archaeology from University College Dublin. As part of her undergraduate degree, she undertook a Diploma in Professional Archaeological Studies working on commercial excavations and with the Discovery Programme. Rebecca has also lectured at Maynooth University and University College Cork. In 2019, Rebecca began an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship at University College Cork expanding her focus to include early town life in Ireland. She is a Member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI).
Rebecca has worked in commercial, research and academic settings, giving her a rich expertise including excavation, post-excavation, research, writing and communication skills. She is currently working on the Drumclay Crannóg project, with a team of specialists, to deliver the final report on this exciting and important early medieval settlement. Notable projects that Rebecca has worked on include the Discovery Programme’s Lake Settlement Project and Ireland’s Viking-Age houses, a project that she has published widely.
Marie-Therese Barrett
Senior Research Archaeologist
Based in our Belfast office Marie-Therese is responsible for all aspects of archaeological desk-based work including post-excavation, research, evaluation reports and logistics reporting.
Marie-Therese holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and research Master’s degree in Archaeology from University College Cork where she garnered experience in landscape archaeology and GIS analysis. She also completed a Master’s degree in Dating and Chronology at Queens University Belfast, gaining expertise in a variety of scientific dating methods, statistical modelling and chronology construction. She is currently completing her doctoral research at QUB, which is focused on the dating and chronology of Drumclay crannog using tree-ring analysis.
Marie-Therese has extensive experience in archaeological fieldwork across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In addition to a wide range of dryland archaeological environments, she has also worked on numerous wetland excavations; notably Drumclay Crannóg and Lisheen Mine Archaeological Project. She has developed her skills in all aspects of archaeological desk-based work including post-excavation, research, evaluation reports and logistics reporting.
Femke Vleeshouwer
Research Archaeologist
Femke is involved in all elements of archaeological excavation and post-excavation processes, and is primarily responsible for report writing.
Femke holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Archaeology from Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Femke has developed her skills in archaeological excavation, recording, archive preparation and report writing. She has been involved with several notable medieval urban excavations, including those carried out in the vicinity of the Abbey of St Thomas the Martyr and St Peters Church in Dublin. Femke has also been involved with the post-excavation processing of environmental samples and artefacts prior in preparation for specialist analyses
Róisín O’Droma
Archaeobotanist & Post-Excavation Supervisor
Róisín is responsible for plant remains analysis, preparation of Environmental Remains Strategies for excavations, and overseeing environmental processing.
Róisín holds a Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and Geography from the University College Dublin and a Master’s degree in Pre- and Protohistory from the Kiel University. She is a member of Environmental Archaeology Ireland (EAI) and the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA).
Róisín is adept at identifying seeds and plant parts and analysing them in their archaeological context, and produces reports to inform the archaeological record. Róisín is proficient at undertaking the following processes and analyses: plant macro analysis and report writing, flotation, recovering finds from samples, washing and processing finds and bone, applying for licenses from the National Museum and preparing material for the statutory authorities.
Mark Andrews
Site Supervisor
Mark is responsible for supervising archaeological excavations and investigations, such as monitoring and testing.
Mark holds a Bachelor's Degree in Archaeology from the University of Durham, in the UK.
Mark is an experienced archaeologist, having started out his Irish field archaeology career in Sligo in 2003. Since then, he has worked on sites ranging from the Neolithic to the medieval period, on a number of large infrastructure schemes across the country. Moving from the greenfield environment to Dublin City in 2013 he has developed his skills in the more complex urban environment, working notably on the Luas Cross City project. Joining IAC in 2018, he has become a specialist in urban archaeology. He has worked on larger city-centre multi-phase sites with medieval remains, such as Aungier Street. He has also conducted smaller monitoring jobs that dealt with more recent structural remains, like Ryan's Bar of Camden Street, or Railway Street in the heart of The Monto. He has also worked on research excavations in Oman and Georgia.
BANeil Organ
Site Supervisor
Neil is responsible for supervising archaeological excavations and investigations, such as monitoring and testing.
Neil holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Archaeology and History and a Master’s Degree in Archaeological Excavation from University College Cork.
Since joining IAC in 2016 Neil has gained extensive experience in a wide range of archaeological environments and sectors. He has worked on multiple large-scale urban excavations in Dublin City, revealing significant medieval remains. Notable recent projects include works at Aungier Street, Newmarket Square and in the Cherrywood SDZ. He is adept at archaeological excavation and recording undertaken in the field, and has significant experience in archaeological monitoring during construction phase of development.
BA, MAAndrew Fairbrother
Site Supervisor
Andrew is responsible for supervising archaeological excavations and investigations, such as monitoring and testing.
Andrew holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Archaeology and a Master’s Degree in Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture from University College Dublin.
Since joining IAC in 2020 Andrew has garnered wide-ranging experience in a variety of archaeological environments and sectors. He has been involved with large-scale excavation of rural medieval settlement and prehistoric burial sites in the north Leinster region in advance of commercial and residential projects. Notably Andrew was part of the team recording medieval and post-medieval remains in medieval core of Dublin City at Trinity College and Kevin Street; and more recently at Blessington, Co. Wicklow. He is adept at all aspects of archaeological excavation and recording undertaken in the field.
Joe Moran
Site Supervisor
Joe is responsible for supervising archaeological excavations and investigations, such as monitoring and testing.
Joe holds a Bachelor's and Master’s Degree in Archaeology from University College Dublin. He is adept at undertaking archaeological surveys.
Since joining IAC in 2015 Joe has garnered wide-ranging experience in a variety of archaeological environments and sectors. He is adept at all aspects of archaeological excavation and recording undertaken in the field, including site survey. He has been involved with large-scale excavation of rural and urban prehistoric and medieval settlement sites in advance of commercial, residential and infrastructural projects; such as Knockhouse Lower, Co. Waterford and the N4 Coolooney to Castlebaldwin Road Scheme in Co. Sligo. Notably Joe was part of the team recording medieval and post-medieval remains in medieval core of Dublin City at Aungier Street, Tivoli, Georges Street and Little Mary Street. Joe has also undertaken geophysical survey and excavations in the UK as part of High-Speed Rail 2 project.
BA MAAdam Swann
Graphics Technician and GIS Specialist
Adam is responsible for producing geodatabases and high-quality graphics using AutoCAD and GIS.
Adam has a BA in Archaeology from Queens University Belfast and an MSc in Digital Archaeology from the University of York. Here he gained a proficiency in the use of software such as ArcMAP and ArcGIS, Geoplot, 3DS Max, Agisoft, as well as archaeological photography.
Adam has significant experience as a field archaeologist on sites across Northern Ireland and England. During his Master’s degree he investigated how digital technologies can be used in and to improve the archaeology sector, archaeological metadata, photogrammetry and 3D model reconstruction. Adam is working as part of a team for the High Speed Rail (HS2) project in the U.K.
Catherine Horan
Senior Financial Administrator
With over 30 years’ experience in her field Catherine is responsible for IACs Accounts Payable Purchase Ledger, Banking, VAT, WHT, and CSO Returns
choran@iac.ieViera Purcell
HR Manager
Viera's role is to ensure compliance with employment legislation and developing and implementing people strategy within the IAC Team. Viera has over 13 years of experience in Human Resources, having worked across various industries in both the public and private sectors. She has experience in all areas of HR but her passion is Employee Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion. She earned her degree in Human Resource management from Dublin Institute of Technology .
vpurcell@iac.ieFiona Godfrey
Projects Administrator
With over 20 years’ experience in administration, project management, sales and marketing roles Fiona forms part of our tendering team. She is the first point of contact for the receipt of new tenders, tracking their progress and assisting to meet submission deadlines. Fiona assists our Senior Project Managers with site requirements and issuing purchase orders. She also coordinates all the Health & Safety training for staff.